"My design philosophy is shaped by navigating various art disciplines. It all starts with a simple 'straight piece of fabric', which I approach from a multi-dimensional perspective. Many of the materials are created in my own atelier, where intricate needle felting and embroidery also find their way into my tapestries."

—Peter George d'Angelino Tap

Tapestry art

Canto xxx

private commission

The Canto xxx triptych has taken up residence in a beautifully curated collectors' space.

Across three panels, the tapestry reinterprets the main themes in Canto 30 from Dante's inferno. A monumental, needle-felted paraphrasing of what is playing out in US politics today.

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new workshops | Textile and Space

Een nieuwe reeks workshops start binnenkort! In de loop der jaren heeft zich een eigen PGdAT-signatuur ontwikkeld, gekenmerkt door mijn unieke patroonsysteem en de opmerkelijke manier waarop deze patronen, de basis van kledingstukken, getransformeerd worden tot ruimtelijke objecten. De komende workshops richten zich op het creëren van patronen en de transformatie naar een op het lichaam gerichte ruimtelijkheid als centrale uitgangspunten.

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Peter George d'Angelino Tap

Textile artist & Creative Director

Peter George d'Angelino Tap is a Dutch designer and textile artist whose works span the visual and performing arts. At the heart of his artistic practice lies the exploration of the interplay between couture and tapestry. Rooted in the timeless storytelling tradition, he weaves together myths, legends and abstract concepts to create a textile vision of the human experience.

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